Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Favorite Things as of Right Now....

I am loving my summer. It has been so nice to stay up as late as I want, and sleep in as late as I want. I am not looking forward to school. I am going to enjoy my summer as much as I can before it's gone.

WATERMELON! My favorite food ever! This is one of the many reasons why I love summer so much because Watermelon is in season.

I can spend HOURS watching Lost. I just started season 4 and I love it. I cry so hard when I watch it. I am such a baby. haha!

I am obsessed with these books. They are amazing! I am almost finished reading them for a second time so I can be ready for the new one that comes out in August. I can't wait!

I am addicted to this game. It's pretty much the funnest!:)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Happy Birthday Mason!!:)

Playing with the dog.

Trying to take a picture with Paige. She wan't paying attention...

Still not paying attention...

This girl is my FAVORITE!!! I love her to death!!:)

This summer has been so BUSY! Usually my summers are so boring and I am just dying for school to come back. This summer was different. I have a job this summer. I am working as a Nanny for this lady that goes to school with my mom. It's really nice to be making money. I also have been reading The Scarlet Letter for AA English. It's written in old English so sometimes it's hard to understand. With those two things my day is mostly taken up. With what little time I have left of the day I usually watch Lost, hang with some friends, or go SWIMMING:) It's kinda nice to be busy and always have something to do.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I heard this quote once and I absolutly loved it. I thought I would share it with you guys.

"When you can't sleep it's usually because God wants to talk to you. For the stillness of the night is often the only time he can get your attention. So if you want to get back to sleep kneel down and find out what the Lord wants you to know."

There are times when I have stayed up WAY to late doing who knows what. When I finally get in bed I am so tired that reading my scriptures or saying my prayers doesn't even cross my mind. I can never fall asleep no matter how tired I am untill I read my scriptures and say my prayers. Once I do these things I fall straight to sleep. That tells me how important it is to do these things. It really does bless my life when I do.

New Blog

I thought it would be fun to start blogging again. I used to love it. I would blog ALL the time!

This blog will be somewhat of a journal. I will record fun experiances, spiritual experiances, and whatever else I feel like posting. I don't promise to have a new post up all the time but I will post stuff when I have the time. Hope you enjoy it.